The Hemp
A natural fiber that recalls the textures of ancient canvases of Namibia.

Natural and precious
Hemp is a natural fiber with extraordinary thermal insulating, breathable and antibacterial properties.
But not only: it reflects ultraviolet rays, shields from electrostatic fields, does not irritate the skin because it is hypoallergenic, and keeps bacteria away from the surface of our body because it is antiseptic. Hemp plantations require little water (less than a third of the water required for the production of cotton) and do not require aggressive treatments with pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals, thus minimizing the environmental impact.
Strength and softness.
Creations of fresh and comfortable couture yarn. A gentle breeze on the skin in a texture that recalls the ancient canvases of Namibia. A fiber whose processing requires technique, experience and passion. A distant echo that is reflected in exotic chromatic notes, which fall slightly on a precious fabric to give life to a small masterpiece of Made in Malo craftsmanship.